All my things are in disarray currently as I graduated college and move, so I have not scanned much for you. Too bad. I do however have a fun series of facts.
I made an area to house detail images of my more nutso complex pictures. I made thumbnail images for them. One of these pieces is about mail order brides, and while carving out these different chunks of webspace I had a hidden place for the thumbnails, named appropriately enough, bride thumbs.
After setting up google analytics I find that more than two thirds of the visits to this detail blog is from search engines. 95 percent of the searches were for "bride thumbs", the fifth percentile is filled with searches for "bride thumbs!"
If you search "bride thumbs" the first hit is bride fetish pornography. The second hit is me. I keep thinking about deleting this page since it only confuses people, but I'm really amused when I think about horny dudes from as far away as Germany, Spain, France, Italy, Austria, Turkey, Iraq, Bulgaria, and Egypt looking for sexy weddings but stumbling onto pictures I drew of ugly women. I'm not sure this is what is happening, but I'm pretty confident.
I'm moving this weekend I'll have something to show you then.